Things I want to remember... I'm finding it very difficult to believe that the month of June is very nearly over. It has gone by so quickly! We've settled into a rhythm over here, and I wanted to take some time to write down some things about both of my boys that I know I will want to remember. Starting with... Sammy-isms So many people told me that once I had Jackson, Sammy was going to seem so grown up, and it is very true! He's full of funny one-liners that make me bust out laughing many times a day. Here are some of my favorite things he says: "Bessert" = dessert "Froap" = throat "I'm not interesting in that" = I'm not interested in that "You're breaking my feelings" = something he says if he doesn't like my response to his requests Newborn Fuzz Jackson is covered with newborn peach fuzz on his arms, legs, and cheeks. This is something I really don't remember from Sammy as a newborn! I'm not sure if it...