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Jackson Nicholas & his Birth Story

 Jackson Nicholas & his Birth Story

May 31st was the last contract day for teachers and we were required to stay until 1pm. Because I had been having contractions on and off for about a week at this point, my room was completely ready for August and my long-term substitute. I spent the day tying up loose ends and getting excited for the beginning of summer. 

I got home at 1pm, ate some lunch and relaxed most of the afternoon with Sammy and Dustin. I wasn't having regular contractions at this point, so I went to bed without any special preparations. I had big plans for the next few days to get my hair done, have a massage, clean the house and really get myself ready to have a baby. 

At 1:40am I got up to use the restroom (as one does when one is 9 months pregnant) and laid back down in bed. I had a really long, really terrible contraction, and in my head thought, "If my water is going to break, it is going to break now." Literally as I thought the word "now," my water broke...everywhere. It truly was dramatic and just like a scene from a movie. I told Dustin, "it's time - my water just broke!" I checked my phone and it was exactly 1:45am. He got out of bed and looked at me and said, "wow - yup, it really broke." He quickly hopped in the shower and I called my mom so she could come sit with Sammy. I waddled my way to the bathroom and stood over a towel for the next 10 minutes which was comical. I packed what I could between contractions, then my mom got over and helped us get to the car. At this point, we anticipated that it would take awhile for the c-section to take place, so we told our parents to stay put and we would let them know when we were ready for them. 

I got admitted pretty quickly and got to my room. I think we were all checked into the hospital and in our room before 3:30am. I felt really surprised with how quickly things were happening. At this point, two doctors made comments about how the baby was "sleepy" on the monitor, and that he wasn't tolerating the contractions well. When my water broke with Sammy it was a slow leak, but this time it felt like a flood. The contractions were pretty intense (for someone to be feeling who was planning a c-section birth in the first place), and feeling the baby's movements without the cushion of fluid was a strange feeling as well.

I asked our nurse about the timeline and she said they were hoping to have the surgery done between 4-4:30am. We quickly called our parents and had them come up since things were happening sooner than we anticipated. My dad went to go trade places with my mom, and my mom, Randy and Judy all headed in. My Aunt Becky from Illinois was on her way as well, and would watch Sammy as soon as she got into town so my dad could come in. My mom got to the hospital to see me get prepped for surgery and wheeled back. I wanted my mom there so she could come into the operating room with me in case Dustin and the baby needed to leave, so I was so glad she made it in time. 

As I got wheeled back I felt super anxious, and a sweet nurse reassured me and told me that I was so anxious because I was worried about Sammy back at home. It was so true. I was so excited to meet our new baby but very aware and worried that something could go wrong. 

There were some wonderful nurses in the operating room with me and I was so glad they were there - especially since Dustin didn't get to come back until the baby was almost out. The procedure for the spinal tap was done and it wasn't terrible. The anesthesiologist was an older man and he kept chatting my ear off the entire time. Some tests were done to see if I could feel any pain, and when I couldn't, they got started. 

Dustin came in shortly before Jackson came out and it was such a relief to see him. I felt the doctor press her hands down at the top of my belly and we heard our sweet baby's first cries at 4:43am. Our doctor brought him to our heads to show him to us and then he was checked out by the NICU team. Jackson cried the entire time and I was so thankful to hear him crying, especially since the doctors had shown concern about him during our admittance.
It was the best sound in the world. The NICU team told us he was perfect and Dustin got to hold Jackson by my head while I was "reassembled." It was such a sweet time. 

Dustin and Jackson left very quickly as the surgery was finished and we got to have our Golden Hour together. Jackson nursed really well, and Dustin and I marveled at how much he resembled Sammy, and how fast the entire experience had been. 

There is nothing quite like meeting your child on the outside and those first precious moments together. We are so thankful that our Jackson Nicholas is here and healthy. 


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