Today, we woke up with a six year old in the house. We can't believe that our squishy little baby can be this old! This year has been a year of tremendous growth (literally) for our boy. It seems that he's been in a growth spurt for the last several months. He skipped two clothing sizes and we can never keep him full. I'm certain our grocery bill will only increase as he ages. 😉 He started Kindergarten this fall, and is learning so much each day. When you ask him his favorite part of school, he says "recess." He is starting to blend words together and often asks to play teacher at home. He loves to show us what he is learning. Sammy played tball, soccer and football this year. He loves to be active and play outside. For his birthday, his entire family got him an in-ground basketball hoop, and I know we'll get lots of use out of it! Sammy loves to go fishing with his daddy. This summer he'd say, "hey dad, can we go get my line wet?" I think he l...