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Showing posts from October, 2024

laundry math

  There are a few cleaning jobs I do daily that just seem to make life run a bit more smoothly around here. I always run the dishwasher (no matter how full), I always "close down" the kitchen, and I always run at least one load of laundry and finish it completely,  On Monday I just wasn't feeling great, and so we threw dinner together, I neglected to run the dishwasher, and I didn't run a load of laundry.  Somehow, on Tuesday I had to do three loads of laundry to make up for it. Can someone explain this laundry math to me?  Needless to say, I haven't missed a daily load of laundry since. 😉

Brothers :)

Our Sammy boy is pretty tenderhearted, and had what we call an "owie" day yesterday. Nothing seemed to go his way, and he was pretty emotional about it all.  I was switching laundry just outside the bathroom door while the boys were in the tub together. After Sammy had had a roller coaster of a day, it made me so happy to hear them splashing and giggling together in the tub.  I got Jack in his pajamas and had him tell "bubba" goodnight and they pressed their foreheads together. I snapped this blurry picture of them just so I could remember the moment. It just made me so emotional and proud of these boys. While I know they will have their fair share of altercations and scuffles as they get older, I hope that when the day is done they'll remember that they are brothers and their special bond.  XX

October Goals

It's OCTOBER! One of the very best months of the year.  Sammy's birthday is in October and I remember so clearly being so excited to turn my calendar to October back in 2018. The first few weeks of the month were filled with the anticipation of welcoming our baby and the last few weeks of the month were spent snuggling him. I'd love to go back and relive it all again. 😊 A new month means it's time for new goals. This is just a little way I keep myself accountable and focused, and I'm all for self-improvement. Here's what I've got for this month... 1. Start Christmas shopping Christmas gifts for the boys are going to be minimal this year as they will be receiving an experience gift, but I've got a few people on our list to shop for. I'm hoping to purchase a few gifts this month to help spread things out.  2. WORKOUT CONSISTENTLY I have been really struggling with working out consistently since about...June. It's a big goal for me to get back to 4