Happy Tuesday!
Yesterday, October 14th, was Global FPIES Day.
FPIES (Food Protein Enterocolitis Syndrome) is a food allergy of the gut. If a child with FPIES ingests a trigger food, he/she will begin intensely vomiting about 2-3 hours post-consumption. The vomiting occurs for several hours, and there are serious dangers that the child will become dehydrated.
Jack has been diagnosed with FPIES since March of 2024, and his diagnosis is something I think about daily. In fact, I think about it every time he puts ANYTHING food related in his mouth.
This time last year, we were about to begin our journey towards a diagnosis. At one point, Jack had 0 (ZERO!) foods that we were certain he could eat. Now, I've lost count of his safe foods. What a blessing that is!
Most children outgrow FPIES by age 2-3, so each day we get a little closer to being FPIES free. I'm proud of our progress and I'm proud of our boy.
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