Many of you know that our Jack has a severe food allergy to oats and rice, and has a diagnosis of FPIES (Food Protein Enterocolitis Syndrome). Because of his allergy, eating solids has been a slow process since we have to "trial" foods for several days before they can be called "safe foods."
This summer, I told Dustin my full-time job would be serving as Jack's personal chef and dietitian. 😉 With me being home with him all day, we've been able to add lots of safe foods to his list. We're up to 25, which is a TON, considering that six months ago we were at 0. Lots of his safe foods are super versatile, like wheat. He can have wheat in lots of different forms: graham crackers, pasta, bread, etc.. It's exciting!
When Jack eats, he says "nom nom nom" as he chews. You can tell that he's starting to become very excited when he sees his plate of food and he has his favorite food items. Right now he is loving colby jack cheese, yogurt melts, strawberries (of course), and white nectarines.
This week, we are working on trialing chicken and white potato. I love that his diet is becoming more varied!
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