It's Friday Eve! Today I am sharing a little "Day in the Life" but with an after-school twist. I recorded our day following my leaving school at 3:30. I love to read these posts on other lifestyle blogs, so I'm sharing my own here. 😊
At 3:30 on the nose, I left my classroom for the day. I try to leave at exactly 3:30 every day, unless I have a meeting because...
I had the boys from childcare, and we were back home by 3:50.
After this, we decided to head out for a little walk in our neighborhood. It's been very unseasonably warm in Iowa, so we have to soak it in. Jack rode in his stroller while Sammy drove his scooter, and we walked about 1.5 miles. This walk was exciting because it was the first time we didn't use the infant car seat attachment - he sat up like a big boy! He couldn't have been more excited.
Once we got home it was time for another snack for Sammy. This time he picked a bowl of pretzel sticks. This boy eats so much, I don't know how I'm going to keep up when he's a teenager. Haha.
Jack goes to bed early these days - like around 6:45 - so we like to eat dinner as soon as Dustin comes home from work. Luckily for me, today I had a very easy meal in store:
Who else loves a little Trader Joe's freezer meal?!
I air fried the chicken, microwaved the rice, and roasted up some stir fry vegetables for the side. Easy peasy! Sammy had the same, but minus the stir fry vegetables, and add in some raw peppers and carrots.
Jack enjoyed a strawberry and some avocado. 😊
While I take the boys upstairs to tackle bathtime, Dustin handles the kitchen mess, which I really appreciate.
At this point in the night, baby Jack is just super sleepy and ready for bed, but he loves bath time with his big's a great way that we get to stretch his wake window a little closer to bedtime.
Both boys were freshly scrubbed and in pajamas (literally my FAVORITE thing in the world), and I switched a load of laundry and refilled the humidifiers and essential oil diffusers in our bedrooms. I love to sleep with lavender and Thieves oils diffusing. When I came back to Jack's room, this is what I saw:
Then it was story time:
And then Jack had his last nursing session, and went down for the night.
Dustin had left for a Little League meeting, so it was just Sammy and I for a little bit. He was obviously very disappointed to have his mama to himself. 😉
Ever since Sammy was a little toddler, he has loved to "snuggle bed." Since Dustin was gone we had a little more time than usual together in the evening, and he happily took advantage of the extra snuggle time.
At 7:30 Sammy headed to bed, I took a bath, and settled in with my latest book:
It's kind of a murder mystery, which is totally outside of my typical genre. It's so good that I'm flying through it!
Dustin got home after his meeting, and it was lights out for us by 9PM.
That's all for an After School Edition of "Day in the Life." I know that when I look back on my blog in future years, these will be some of my favorite posts to re-read, and remember what life was like when Sammy was 5 and Jackson was 8 months old. 💕
I'll be back tomorrow with Friday Favorites! XX
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