I'm a little out of practice on my blog, [it's been since our Disney World recaps!], but I'm back and excited to share a little bit about what life looks like lately for the Brisel family. Somehow I blinked and all of a sudden... it's March. I'm not entirely certain how that happened, since Christmas was just last week...right? Spring break is just around the corner and I can't wait. After spring break the rest of the school year seems to fly - summer approaching makes me so excited as a teacher, but also so sad to say goodbye to Sammy's kindergarten year. Time is going too quickly! Here's a little bit of life lately: Sammy is growing and growing and growing - and his appetite matches the pattern! I just had to buy him a second round of winter clothing because he outgrew the first round. I'm ready for summer and shorts and not needing to worry about blown out knees on his pants, and them being too short. He is learning so much at school. He's a...